What is Aura?
Aura is just like a hidden layer that is hovering around our bodies. But it Is not visible because our body is subtle and covered with a lot of negative energies, thoughts, and anger. Which is the main reason for aura weakness. However, there are some extraordinary people whose aura is stronger than us like sadhus and monks who never come into contact with negative energies this only happens because they care about their aura energy by meditating.
Best Tips for Aura Cleansing:
1 Try to meditate:
It is the most important way to connect with yourself. Although it is not easy for all of us to do. Because there is some negative power that stops us from choosing the right way in our life they do many things like delving you into lust, ego, laziness, anger, addiction to drugs, liquor, smoking, and many other worst things. Which are efficient to destroy your life.
2 Surround yourself with a positive environment:
This will only happen if you have a good circle of friends, colleagues, employees, and entrepreneurs who help in achieving your goals and always stand with you in any situation as supporters and motivators who give the right direction to your life. And when you get clearance of your goals you will start working on them which not only boost your confidence but also increase the aura energy.
3 Recharge your body with sunlight:
I do not mean any harm to you by standing in the sun all day and recharging yourself like the magic alien in the movie Koi Mil Gaya, rather I want to tell you that if you want to strengthen your aura then try to wake up before sunrise, freshen yourself and then expose your body to the first rays of the rising sun which will benefit you a lot.
4 Crystals and essential oil therapy:
If you want to do more cleansing professionally, then there are many crystals and essential oils available in the market that you can buy and while taking a bath, you can add these to your bathing tub or bucket and take a bath. You can also take other cleansing therapies if you have no shortage of money because these therapies are high cost which not everyone can afford.
5 Stay away from energy suckers:
You should please keep a distance from those people who always have negative thoughts because if your aura becomes very strong then you become capable and you can also find out about other’s aura by observing how their life is going on. In this, if you find a negative person who has completely lost hope of living, then at that time if you look at him you may have to face trouble and his aura will pull all your energy towards itself and you will become a negative person like him.
6 Walking and showering in rainwater:
You must have noticed many times that people who walk in the rain are more excited than you. Have you ever thought about why this happens? Let me tell you, when you walk or bathe in the rain, the rainwater penetrates from your face to your entire body and all your negative energies and toxicity vanishes and you start feeling more fresh and happy than before.
7 Stay connected with nature:
If you spend all your time playing mobile games and on social media then be careful because this is one of those energies that spoil your aura instead of this you should spend your time connecting with nature because if you are not connected with nature then your aura will not be able to become strong.
8 Use of room fresheners:
then this tip will prove to be very beneficial for you. To increase the power of your energy, first of all, look around you, if any object is damaged or broken, then fix it, otherwise throw it away. After that, pick up a room freshener that is of orange flavor and sprinkle it all over your house. This will ensure that all the negative energies go away from your house and you will start becoming stronger.
9 Utilize Your Free Time:
If you spend your time using your phone without any reason then you can also do aura cleansing with it, like all of you might be using YouTube, and many videos on YouTube will be helpful for you in cleaning your aura, like there are some melodies which you can listen to by closing your eyes and you can use those melodies to awaken your aura and get benefit from it.
10 faith in yourself:
The simplest way to strengthen the aura is to have faith in yourself and always focus on your work instead of delving your mind anywhere else and avoid unnecessarily messing with anyone because if you mess with it, it directly affects you, which weakens it you may have to face many difficulties in achieving success. And you can never be happy in your life.
11) Connect with nature:
You can also take the help of nature to strengthen your feet, for example, if you have a habit of walking in the garden, you can take off your slippers or shoes and walk, due to which points of your palm will connect with the ground, which will give you two benefits, firstly your feet will get positive energy and secondly your stress will be removed because it has now been scientifically proven that people who remain barefoot, their stress level is lower than those people who do not walk without slippers even at home the entire day.
12 ) Worship god:
If you are a businessman or a student, then according to your religion you should keep a picture or idol of your God in such a room where you spend most of your time. This will increase your focus and concentration on your work and along with it any evil energies on your part will go away from there and your aura will not be affected by them.