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The best way to get a space from negative thoughts 2024

*What are the negative thoughts? And how we can get rid of them.

  • Negative thoughts are those which are linked to our past or misfortunes. No matter how much we try to forget them, one day they stand in front of us like a rock. They keep creating obstacles in our lives and never let us move forward. In doing so, they destroy all our positivity and force us to think negatively. This happens because our mind never forgets anything. Yes, it may forget for a short time but not forever. Whenever anything or accident comes in front of us that is linked to our past, then at that very moment the mind starts working like a flashback of a movie and makes us remember everything, whether it is good or bad, it does not make any difference to it.

Here are some strategies that you can follow to eliminate negative thoughts:

1 Try to write down the things on a daily basis:

The strength of negative thoughts will remain strong as long as we keep running away from them, the day we stop running away from them out of fear, they will stop troubling us from that day itself. So we will have to develop a habit which will be of writing. For this, we will have to have a notebook or a diary on which we will write down all the good and bad thoughts in our minds. What will happen is that when we start writing our problems, we will start to know which things make us happy and which things push us towards stress. By doing this we will become successful in getting rid of these negative thoughts.

2 Mindfulness exercises:

Meditation is such a solution that not only ends negative thoughts but also has the full potential to change our lives. But before doing it, we have to take special care of some things like we have to find a place which is full of peace. If we do not find such a place, then we can close the door of our room, sit in a comfortable position, and close our eyes. In the beginning, you can do it for 10 to 15 minutes and gradually you can increase the time of this activity. You can do it at any time. While meditating, many such useless thoughts will enter your mind, but instead of paying attention to them, you have to get immersed in the ocean of meditation. If you do this daily, your mind will gradually start becoming calm and your heart will also change. You yourself should see that the people with whom you used to fight and quarrel, will start looking at them with a feeling of love.

3 Self Talk:

Sometimes we get so caught in the circle of negativity that it becomes difficult to get out of it because we are always afraid of negative thoughts and we do not even question ourselves about that should we think about this thought and give place to such thoughts in our life which are enough to destroy our life without any enemy but if we have to come out of these thoughts then we will have to make a teacher of our mind, we will have to get used to talking to ourselves, some people will think that we are crazy but it is not so at all because it is believed that whoever talks to himself, he controls the negative thoughts going on in his mind by thinking properly

4 Release your thoughts:

Many times when we get stuck on any one thing nobody can save us from being negative at such a time because we want to repeat it, that is why we keep repeating the same thing again and again and keep blaming ourselves that if we had not done this then this would not have happened, whereas there is nothing that can be done, what has happened has happened, you cannot do anything in this except repenting if you stop repenting on any old thing and remove it from the clouds of your mind then you will never be negative, you will always remain in the positive direction. Let me explain to you through a short story of Gautam Buddha.

Gautam Buddha was meditating while sitting under a tree when a man came to him and said, Mahatma Ji, I have been struggling with negative thoughts running through my mind for many days, please tell me a solution to this. Buddha Ji said to him, go and bring a glass filled with water. He takes the glass of water and asks, what should I do with this now? He says, read this in your hand and sit here. After some time, the man’s hand gets filled with pain and he says to Buddha, I am having a lot of pain in my hand. Buddha Ji said to him, now leave the glass. On doing so, the glass breaks but the pain in the man’s hand gets cured. Buddha Ji said to him, as long as you hold on to your thoughts, you will keep getting troubled by them. If you release them, you will feel peace in your mind.

5 Go with laughter therapy:

Everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine for our health. Whenever we laugh, there is a hormone called dopamine inside our brain which helps us to get out of stress. So, whenever we get a chance to activate it, we should take it. This will do two things, firstly, your stress will be relieved and secondly, your blood will start circulating properly in your body. If you want to try this therapy, then get up early and go to any park with your friends and sit and laugh out loud and crackle your sound, which will make all your body parts work properly and will also help you stay healthy.

6 Daily walk 

Earlier people used to go for a walk as soon as they woke up in the morning and they always remained healthy and fit but nowadays people use bikes or cars even to travel 1 kilometer because nowadays people prefer a life of luxury and comfort, therefore they are fast moving in the circle of many diseases like high blood pressure, low stamina, stroke, kidney disease and many more such diseases which are slowly trapping people and do not even let them know about it. It has been scientifically proven that the stress level of people who walk is less towards others than those who do not walk and these types of people with sedentary lifestyles always face negative thoughts in their brain.

7 Replace negative thoughts with positive ones:

Whenever any negative thought comes to your mind, then immediately replace that thought with a positive one. For example, if someone comes to you and says that you cannot get rid of this habit, then quickly reply to him that yes, I cannot get rid of it but I can make a habit of getting rid of it. By doing this, your mind will come out of the negative and start pushing you towards the positive. And to get you rid of that habit, whenever you come in contact with such a thing, you will see an alert signal in your brain that you have to get rid of this habit, what am I doing? In this way, gradually you will start thinking positively by getting rid of all your bad habits and negative thoughts. To know more follow us on Linkedln and Youtube.


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