Personal Development and Why Is It Important | Digital manpreet

How to Handle Any Situation Like a leader:

It must have happened to us many times in this world that we face a situation for which we have no solution and in a hurry we end up doing something whose consequences we have to suffer for the rest of our lives. So let us know today what we can do in such situations that will not only benefit us but will also change our life.

*Here are some tips which you can follow to get out of any situation:

 1) Stay calm in every situation – 

We have seen many such cases in which people lose control create a fuss out of nothing and start fighting, beating, and abusing each other. They may or may not get any benefit from this but by doing this, their ego gets satisfied and they feel that the other person should not consider them weak, that is why they do all this.

But they are completely unaware of the fact that by speaking badly, they are drawing each other’s negativity inside them because it is true that if we argue and fight with someone, then half of their negativity enters inside us. So, God has given this control in our hands that either we get entangled with such people and become like them or we keep ourselves calm and let their negativity stay with them.

2) Please make a habit of saying no to negative people- 

In our friend circle and group, there is always some guy who neither does anything nor lets anyone else do anything and lures everyone with his wrong talks because he knows that his life has been ruined and no one else’s will remain right because if anyone’s life gets set in his circle, then people taunt him and make him feel bad that your partner stays with you, he has become such a big businessman and you are here, that’s why he starts taking everyone’s life on the wrong track so that no one goes ahead of him and the sign of such people is that if he talks to you in such a way, then you should immediately understand that this guy is jealous of me and doesn’t want to see my progress.

So he will talk to you in such a way as if a friend left your studies, let’s go and chase this girl, you chase her, I will chase another girl. I will set it up,  a friend let’s drink beer today and hope to have fun and the next day we’ll smoke a cigarette in this way, it will take you to such a point that you will never be able to come back from that point nor will you be able to do anything except feeling regret that if say no at beginning of this situation then I would not have to go through this problem today. So we should say no to such a person and break our friendship with him or her so that they are not able to trouble us in the future.

3)  Do planning before executing anything- 

It is very important to plan to deal with any situation because if we do not have a plan, then dealing with that situation is a far-fetched idea. We will not be able to understand that situation well and if we cannot understand it, then how will we get out of it? Therefore, planning is such a part of our life without which we cannot do any work. You can do something for planning like today we have become so busy with our work that we do not have time to think about ourselves.

So, first of all, take time for yourself, and by using meditation, know about yourself, how are you, and at what time you are happy and sad. Make a habit of writing all these in a notebook and then start working on your weaknesses one by one. You will fail many times while doing this, but you should not give up, you have to keep going and by doing this, you will learn to face every kind of situation. Your way of planning will also become better than before and you will start thinking and understanding properly.

4) Stay Positive-

Try to deal with the situation positively no matter how bad it may be because we can find a solution to anything only when we are positive about ourselves and if we start being negative then even if the path is straight, we are still not able to get out because at that time our mind is not ready and it keeps on spinning us in circles and we keep on spinning. If you don’t believe it, then you can try being negative for a day and see how your mind responds to any situation and if you are positive, then there is a glow in your eyes and on your face which reflects your inner positive energy.

To stay positive, you can read about such people who had many problems in their life but still, they were not afraid of those problems and kept on facing them bravely. As a quote, you can think of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh, and Dr. Br Ambhedkar who were given a lot of pain by the situation but still they faced them bravely. He had decided in his life that he had to get the rights of his family and the people of his community, no matter how hard he had to face.

5) Talk with the parents-

We should always keep a good link with our parents because many times in such difficult times, everyone leaves us but our family never leaves us because they do not have any greed like all our friends have and one more thing we should never forget is that our parents have more life experience than us, they know which thing is good for our child and which thing can harm him.

So they make us aware of such things beforehand but at that time we are in our youth, we do not like their words and we avoid them but when we grow up, we realize that they were right and we were wrong but by then the time has passed. But if we share the things going on in our mind with our parents then they can show us the way out of any situation. To know more about us

Dealing with situation

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